Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Kremlin Conspiracy by Joel Rosenberg

This book is one you won’t want to put down once you pick it up.  It keeps building right to the end.  This is about two men, one in Russia and one in the United States, who reach the highest levels of Government service.  They have similar life stories, albeit in different countries and forms of government.  Their paths cross in the course of their work but they suddenly become directly involved when their countries are in the midst of an International crisis.

This is the second political thriller I have read by Joel Rosenberg and both were well researched and could have been plucked out of current news headlines.  I loved how the personal lives of the two men were established and how Joel wove the main character’s faith into the story. 

I received this book from Tyndale in exchange for a review.

Check it out! A Sneak preview: