Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Lone Witness by Rachel Dylan

This is the second book in this series that I have been able to read and review and I really enjoy this author.  Most of this type of story that I read has female police officers or FBI agents but in this series, the heroines are lawyers and the heroes are ex-military or police officers that have a private agency of their own.  The stories are very detailed and there is a lot of lawyer / prosecutor type information – they are always researching their case.  I thought that might make these a little dry and harder to read, but that has not been the case.  I find the detail very interesting and I will pursue more of this type fiction from this author.

This is the story of Sophie Dawson, an Assistant DA in Atlanta and her bodyguard, Cooper Knight, who has been retained to protect her when she suddenly becomes a witness to a murder and her role is now different than her day-to-day role in the DA’s office.  There is a lot of action and nail-biting adventure but also a lot of detail and background information on the cases involved.  Faith is interwoven into the story and plays a big part in the points of view of the characters. I highly recommend this book and its predecessor to anyone who wants an interesting read that’s a little out of the norm.

I received this book from Bethany House in exchange for a review.

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